Screening technology
With a variety of solutions for the screening process we support you in your material preparationWe tailor our screening solutions to your individual requirements to make sure that you achieve a defined output quality when recycling and processing your input materials. We have vibrating separators, disc screens, roller separators and star screening machines that will reliably separate and screen out coarse material, pieces with excess lengths, fine parts and disrupting foreign bodies. You will benefit from robust and reliable solutions that ensure high availability. We optimally integrate the various screening solutions into the material flow and conveying process.
What material do you want to screen?
Find the right screening technology for your material with our intelligent filter option!
Get the best out of everything
Whether it’s wood, biomass, plastics, paper, domestic or industrial waste, or even data carriers – we develop innovative concepts and convincing solutions to efficiently process materials that frequently differ greatly from one another. You will always get the best possible solution from us, even for the most difficult tasks.