
Start your future with us

Vecoplan has been continuously developing since its foundation in 1969. We are absolute pioneers with our machines and systems that support the processing of recyclable materials for further use.

Apprenticeships at Vecoplan

An apprenticeship at Vecoplan is an excellent foundation for launching your successful career. Regardless of which apprenticeship programme you choose, we attach great importance to our apprentices being involved in the processes at an early stage, working in a practical way and being able to take on responsibility – because only then is enjoyment and motivation guaranteed. Our two supervisors for commercial and industrial professions make sure that this principle is implemented at all times. Find out more about our apprenticeship programmes here.

What we offer:

  • Diversity
  • Involved in the value creation process
  • Own projects
  • Internship abroad in our USA branch for the best apprentices
  • Factory training
  • Joint exam preparation
  • Apprentice excursions
  • Apprentice meetings
  • In addition to the apprenticeship pay, € 44 per month in the form of a prepaid MasterCard

What you should bring with you:

  • Genuine interest in one of our apprenticeships
  • Commitment and fun at work
  • Openness and ability to work in a team

Internship at Vecoplan

Choosing the right career is an important decision that’s not always easy to make, simply because there is a wide range of different careers to choose from. Vecoplan supports pupils with this decision-making process by offering them practical internships in many areas of the company. In addition to the usual practical internship for pupils, we also offer voluntary and even year-long internships. Internships can be a great help in choosing a career, and they also create the opportunity to cancel out one or two weak school exam results through commitment and a keen attitude.

If you are interested in an internship at our company, please send us an application with a cover letter, your most recent school exam results and an indication of when (timeframe) and in which profession you would like to do your apprenticeship.

What you should bring with you:

  • Genuine interest in one of our apprenticeships
  • Commitment and fun at work
  • Openness and ability to work in a team

What we offer:

  • Active participation in the departments
  • Imparting detailed knowledge in various professions
  • Comprehensive support during the internship
  • Getting to know each other
  • Assistance in deciding on a career

Tips on how to apply

Vecoplan icon pupils tipps floskel
No clichés and phrases

Stand out from the crowd. Write individual texts - they will be remembered.

Vecoplan icon pupils tipps fehler
2. Spelling errors are a no-go

They seem unserious.

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3. Name the contact person

If you already know your contact at the company, address him or her.

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No half measures

Attach all the requested documents and try to answer all the information requested in terms of content completely.

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Sell yourself convincingly

Make yourself interesting and show the company that you are the right person for the job and why.

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No long stories

Use a maximum of one A4 page for the cover letter.

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The right subject line

If you apply by e-mail, make sure the subject line is appropriate. Let your creativity run free, this alone will help you stand out from the crowd.

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Name the attachments

When applying by e-mail, you should name the attached documents correctly and with your name.

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Signature and greeting

Always remember to sign the cover letter and include a greeting. If you send your application by email, scan your signature.


This year, two of our apprentices can look forward to a very special honour: 

With the results of their final exams, Fabienne Messer (Industrial business management assistant), Eric Steinhauer ( Industrial mechanic)  and Lars Röhrig (Mechatronics) are among the best apprentices of the IHK Koblenz in 2023.

We congratulate them on their excellent performance and are proud of being a strong partner for our apprentices!

You still have questions?

You can't find all the information on our site? Or would you like to enquire about specific details in advance? No problem - just give us a call, our apprenticeship team will be happy to help.

Stefan Maschel
Head of Human Resources

Would you like to contact Vecoplan online?
Then use our online contact form!

Anja Kohlhaas
Commercial professions | Students / Dual studies

Would you like to contact Vecoplan online?
Then use our online contact form!

Thomas Henn
Industrial and technical professions

Would you like to contact Vecoplan online?
Then use our online contact form!

Tamara Jäger
Commercial professions

Would you like to contact Vecoplan online?
Then use our online contact form!

Jil-Jana Schönhardt
Commercial professions

Would you like to contact Vecoplan online?
Then use our online contact form!

Fabienne Messer
Commercial professions

Would you like to contact Vecoplan online?
Then use our online contact form!

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