
The networking of your machine!

Simplify your processes while increasing the availability and productivity of your Vecoplan equipment. Minimize downtimes through improved transparency. You’ll benefit from first-class service and be able to realise the full potential of digitalisation. Machine connectivity will open up a world of useful add-ons designed to facilitate your processes and make your everyday work much easier.


With the VSC.portal platform, you connect your machines to the cloud and thus benefit from many advantages

VSC.connect is the gateway to the digital transformation of your operations. The Vecoplan Edge Device permanently connects your Vecoplan equipment with the cloud and the VSC.portal. To use it, all you need is an internet connection and an outgoing port 443 or 8443. Incoming ports in the network firewall of your company do not have to be open.

When you order the VSC.connect, you’ll receive a router that’s configured specifically for you, with Ethernet, Wi-Fi and 4G connectivity options. We’ll prepare the smart.remote and take care of any necessary circuit diagram changes. In order to use VSC.connect, you may need more hardware components.

Our VSC-applications

Important tools for networking your machine

  • .smart.remote

No matter where you are and when you’re there – with the help of VSC.connect.remote, you can access your Vecoplan equipment from your mobile device. You can check current states, parameters and data easily, safely and quickly, so you always have an overview of all your machinery. Registration with 2-factor authentication is required to use this service securely. You can use VSC.smart.remote in your browser and on your smartphone and it’s also compatible with iOS and Android.
Register now for smart.remote.


Do you need fast and uncomplicated help? Our trained employees will connect to your machine online via secure remote access, enabling them to eliminate the error or decisively limit it. The best part is that you can restart very quickly, minimizing your downtime.

Receive push messages automatically to your Smartwach with VSC.connect.notification.push.


Stay informed even if you’re not on site. If faults occur on your system, VSC.connect.notification.push will automatically send you push messages on your smartphone, smartwatch or by e-mail. You’ll stay informed at all times and can intervene as quickly as possible.

Error messages can be defined individually for you and perfectly adapted to your specific information requirements.



React right away if a malfunction occurs. You’ll receive an automated call or a text message from .notification.call if a system malfunction occurs. Schedule your internal, on-call availability in your browser with fully automatic shift changes, including acknowledgement and escalation functions. You’ll require .notification.push to use .notification.call.

The data glasses allow a live view into the machine and an immediate transmission of the corresponding machine image.

An installed camera transmits images from inaccessible positions to the VSC.panel, allowing the operator to control without danger.

Passing on repair instructions is easily possible via the communication interface of the VSC.connect.live and connected glasses and camera.

With the VSC.connect.live.camera you can get a live view of all your machinery. 

  • live.glass

Reliable and fast communication is essential for efficient service. VSC.connect.live.glass enables us to digitally connect to your data glasses and communicate with you. This communication option works as if it were incidental because it’s just “along for the ride”. You can transmit hands-free, live images in HD to the Vecoplan service team. We then send you all the information you need straight to your field of vision, so VSC.connect.glass is the perfect complement to .remote.service.

  • live.camera

You want to check your machine quickly? Data is one thing, but with the VSC.connect.live.camera you can get a live view of all your machinery. Thanks to its rugged aluminium housing, .camera is shock-resistant and waterproof. It has full HD resolution (1920 x 1080), an HDR sensor (high dynamic range) and quality that’s “Made in Germany”. You can use .camera with VSC.control and also with VSC.connect

Your data is in good hands. Our VSC.security concept ensures that your data is not simply available – it’s also secure. Our concept is ISO 271001 and IEC 62443 certified and is based on VSC.connect. You’ll find more information on this in our VSC.security whitepaper.

You can find more information about the security of your data in our - VSC.security whitepaper

PDF | 0.44 MB
VSC - Security - Whitepaper - Stand May 2022

Simply use the following links for the Apple App Store or Google Play and ask our experts about your options

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