The assurance of continuous availability despite very moist and heterogeneous domestic and industrial waste containing various interfering substances was one of the main requirements. Both optimal RDF fuel quality and high overall cost-effectiveness through maximum added value and energy efficiency are to be ensured; all with low maintenance and reliable service.
Vecoplan designed a robust and highly available overall plant, consisting of the VVZ pre-shredder, the VAZ re-shredder, as well as various conveying and separation technology, which was adapted and designed in detail to the input on site by means of material tests.
The overall system with robust technology, which is optimally adapted to the individual components, ensures smooth operation and high output quality.

As our solution provider, Vecoplan has designed and implemented an optimised and complete system for us down to the very last detail. The shredding concept is a complete success in terms of output quality, performance and efficiency. We are very happy with the Vecoplan RDF processing plant. The system has been continuously reliable. The Vecoplan Live Service offers the best support for all ser-vice and maintenance work.