There are plans to increase the sawmill capacity levels in future, meaning that internal transport to the pulp mill using trucks or lorries will no longer be feasible. Being a large industrial site, the main advantages with the sawdust and bark conveyer was to decrease the internal traffic on site of both environmental and safety reasons.
Special screw conveyors, some of which are made of stainless steel, and Vecoplan pipe conveyros type “VecoBelt” with a conveying capacity of up to 800 ³/h werde placed on a stell structure for a very long distance. Since the new plant had to be integrated into an existing system environment, the entire transport route was positioned at min. 14 m above ground level.
Vecoplan accepted and implemented all the customer’s requirements. To achieve this, at some points proven conveyor equipment needed to be modified and optimised. As a mechanical engineer, this is precisely the type of challenge where Vecoplan can apply all its expertise and successfully implement an effective solution.
Conveying technology from Vecoplan for a safe and dust-free bulk good transport
Södra Cell is Sweden's largest forestry association. At its site in Väröbacka Vecoplan installed a 1,7 km long pipe conveyor line of the type Vecobelt for the internal transport of sawdust and bark.

At Vecoplan the overall package is just right. We set great value upon premium goods and long-lasting partnerships. These will arise when keeping promises and surpassing expectations. Our cooperation with Vecoplan turned out to be like that – we are totally satisfied.