In 2023, Vecoplan opened a subsidiary in France – a further step in the company’s development as a reliable and strong local partner for its French customers. French customers can now receive direct support from Vecoplan France. In the design and implementation of their systems, this also facilitates communication within the company and reduces the number of interfaces. The French timber industry will particularly benefit from the founding of Vecoplan France – the specialist company for waste wood processing has supplied and commissioned several hundred machines and systems throughout the country in recent years. Eurobois was the first trade fair at which the French subsidiary presented itself to a professional public. This first year, the focus was less on the products and more on the advisory skills of our colleagues, all of whom are native French speakers.
Vecoplan’s Wood I Biomass division is not alone in being extremely satisfied with the premiere and the trade fair results. Bertrand Thiebold, sales representative at Vecoplan France: “We made new contacts and held many discussions with plant operators who are already using our products. They really appreciated the fact that they now have a direct line to us through our French subsidiary.” Some promising topics for the company’s Service division were also discussed. All the Vecoplan employees were well schooled in many ongoing projects – and they also received several very interesting inquiries. “We’ll be processing these inquiries enthusiastically,” promises a delighted Service Manager, Frédéric Wiss: “We’re really looking forward to providing our customers with personal support and presenting them with the right solutions.”

Die Eurobois war ein voller Erfolg. Das neue Team konnte Kontakte knüpfen und bestehende Projekte besprechen.

A complete team of French native language speakers: Some of the new Vecoplan France team.

French sales employees Bertrand Thiebold (on the left) and Frédéric Wiss are looking forward to providing customers with personal support.