As Antoine de Saint-Exupéry once said: “As for the future, your task is not to foresee it, but to enable it.”
With the beginning of the "Vecoplan Universe", a new era began: the age of forward-looking processing technologies for the sustainable extraction of valuable raw materials or substitute fuels from residues.
Our mission is to help shape the waste-free resource cycle of the future. To this end, we challenge each other and take on every specific challenge with foresight in order to grow together in the processing of versatile production and process waste.
As a product leader, Vecoplan stands for highly sophisticated and qualitative processing technology made in Germany. Our infinite strength is our unceasing endeavour to offer the best solution for every input material. Our development spirit knows no bounds and our many years of expertise are unparalleled.
We are time travellers.
We appreciate every new challenge and think dynamically ahead. For our customers, we take that one extra step that is decisive for success in a competitive comparison. We look at the big picture of tomorrow today.
Because: Our time is now - it is time for visionaries!
Visit us - it's worth it!
We will be presenting three machines working in live scenarios – including an actual world premiere. We will also show you the next stage of our digital connectivity. Our highly motivated experts and sales professionals at our booth are already looking forward to your questions, stimulating discussions, and rewarding conversations! Visit us in Hall B5, Booth 229/328.
You don’t have a ticket yet? We cordially invite you to visit us! Click here and request your code for free admission to the exhibition.