Student internship

Your internship at Vecoplan

At Vecoplan, we attach great importance to the training of junior staff, but also to the early integration of students. We therefore offer students the opportunity to complete their compulsory internships with us before or during their studies in the fields of mechanical or industrial engineering. The activities are varied and are, for example, in the areas of design, research or engineering. We are also happy to support students in preparing for and writing their Bachelor's or Master's thesis.

  • location: Vecoplan AG Bad Marienberg
  • career level: Student internship


  • Good academic performance
  • Commitment
  • Affinity for technical products
  • Independence and self-motivation
  • Ability to work in a team

Freue dich auf

  • Aktive Mitarbeit
  • Interessante Projekte
  • Betreuung durch qualifizierte Fachkräfte
  • Weitergabe von Wissen und Know-how
  • Einblicke ins Tagesgeschäft
  • Intensive Unterstützung bei Bachelor- und Master-Thesis