Industrial mechanic - 2025

  • location: Vecoplan AG Bad Marienberg
  • career level: Apprenticeship course
  • start:
The profession of industrial mechanic is one of the top ten apprenticeships. Why? Because it’s exciting! Industrial mechanics manufacture devices and machines made of plastic and metal, assemble machines and systems and carry out the final assembly of the machines at the customer’s. They work with universal cutting machines, CNC machines, lathes and milling machines. Monitoring and optimising manufacturing processes as well as repair and maintenance tasks are also part of their job profile.


  • Secondary school level II (dt. Mittlere Reife)
  • Oral expression
  • Text comprehension
  • Good mathematical skills
  • Spatial imagination
  • Craftsmanship
  • Technical understanding

Look forward to

  • A first-class education
  • Holistic support, including mentors
  • Support in preparing for exams
  • Internship abroad in the USA for the best students of the year
  • Cost transfer for work clothes
  • Capital-forming benefits
  • 44 € on prepaid Mastercard (monthly)
  • Various discounts
  • Apprentice excursions

Worth knowing

  • Duration of the apprenticeship
    3,5 years
  • Your vocational school
    BBS Westerburg 
    Hofwiesenstraße 1
    56457 Westerburg

Five convincing facts

Comprehensive introductory training
Respect, friendliness, openness in dealing with each other
First-class social benefits and working conditions
Advanced training via internal and external training
An interesting workplace in a growing company
Martin Selbach
Industrial and technical professions

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Julian Becker
Industrial and technical professions

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